Alle videnskabelige publikationer fra projektet er samlet nedenfor, fordelt på projektets to hovedemner. De nyeste publikationer ligger øverst, og eftersom et emne eller case er ofte behandlet i flere publikationer, er det ofte i de nyeste, hvor analysen er mest gennemarbejdet. Langt de fleste udgivne publikationer er open access, dvs. de er frit tilgængelige online.
Nederst findes en liste med publikationer fra en række afsluttede danske studier. Disse erfaringer er blevet brugt til de nærværende praktiske retningslinjer sammen med projektets egne resultater.
Hygrotermisk ydeevne og robusthed af indvendig efterisolering i praksis
Pagoni, P., Møller, E. B., & Hansen, T. K. (2022)
In Proceedings of Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XV International Conference (pp. 493-501). American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Pagoni, P., Møller, E. B., & Hansen, T. K. (2023)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2918, vol. 020047. 5th Central European Symposium of Building Physics 2022 (CESBP 2022)
Pagoni, P., Møller, E. B., & Hansen, T. K. (2023)
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2654, 012006. Proceedings of 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB2023)
Pagoni, P., Møller, E. B., & Peuhkuri, R. (2024)
Energy and Buildings, 312, Artikel 114180
Møller, E. B., de Place Hansen, E. J., Jensen, N.F., Pagoni, P. & Peuhkuri, R.H. (2024)
9th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) 25-27 July 2024, Toronto, Canada
Jensen, N.F., Peuhkuri, R.H., de Place Hansen, E. J., Pagoni, P. & Møller, E. B. (2024)
9th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) 25-27 July 2024, Toronto, Canada
Peuhkuri, R.H., Jensen, N.F., de Place Hansen, E. J., Pagoni, P. & Møller, E. B. (2024)
9th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) 25-27 July 2024, Toronto, Canada
Jensen, N.F., Peuhkuri, R.H., de Place Hansen, E. J., Pagoni, P. & Møller, E. B. (2024)
9th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) 25-27 July 2024, Toronto, Canada
Pagoni, P., Møller, E. B., Peuhkuri, R.H. & Jensen, N.F. (2024)
Accepted and in review to Journal of Building Engineering
Pagoni, P., Møller, E. B., Peuhkuri, R.H. & Jensen, N.F. (2024)
Accepted and in review to Journal of Building and Environment
Pagoni, P. (2024)
PhD Thesis. Technical University of Denmark
Effekten af imprægnering på murværk
Soulios, V., de Place Hansen, E. J., & Janssen, H. (2019)
I R. Černý, J. Kočí , & V. Kočí (red.), 4th Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2019): Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-5, 2019. Artikel 02048.
Soulios, V., de Place Hansen, E. J., & Peuhkuri, R. H. (2019)
I R. Černý, J. Kočí , & V. Kočí (red.), 4th Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2019): Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-5, 2019. Artikel 02049.
Soulios, V., de Place Hansen, E. J., Feng, C., & Janssen , H. (2020)
Building and Environment, 176, Artikel 106843.
Soulios, V., de Place Hansen, E. J., Peuhkuri, R. H., Møller, E. B., & Ghanbari-Siahkali, A. (2021)
Building and Environment, 201, Artikel 107994.
Soulios, V., de Place Hansen, E. J., & Peuhkuri, R. H. (2021)
Building and Environment, 187, 1-13. Artikel 107410.
de Place Hansen, E. J., Hansen T.K. & Soulios, V.(2021)
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 863(1), Artikel 012034.
Soulios, V. (2021)
PhD Thesis. Aalborg Universitetsforlag.
de Place Hansen, E. J., Jensen, N.F., Peuhkuri, R.H., Pagoni, P. & Møller, E. B. (2024)
9th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) 25-27 July 2024, Toronto, Canada
Publikationer fra andre relevante danske forskningsprojekter
Morelli, M., Rønby, L., Mikkelsen, S. E., Christensen, M. G., Kildemoes, T., & Tommerup, H. M. (2012)
Energy and Buildings. Volume 54, pp. 395-406.
Morelli, M. & Svendsen, S. (2013)
Journal of Building Physics, Volume 36, Issue 3, pp. 265-293.
Harrestrup, M. & Svendsen S. (2015)
Building and Environment, 85, 123-133.
Finken, G. R., Bjarløv, S. P. & Odgaard T.R. (2015)
6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015.Energy Procedia, 78, pp. 1461-1466.
Odgaard, T., Bjarløv, S. P., Rode, C., & Vesterlokke, M. (2015)
6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015. Energy Procedia, 78, pp. 830-835).
Harrestrup, M. & Svendsen, S. (2016)
Building and Environment 99: 59-72.
Finken, G. R., Bjarløv, S. P., & Peuhkuri, R. H. (2016)
Construction and Building Materials, 113, 202-214.
Hansen, T. K., Bjarløv, S. P., Peuhkuri, R. H., & Harrestrup, M. (2018)
Energy and Buildings, 172, 235-248.
Hansen, T. K., Bjarløv, S. P., Peuhkuri, R. H., & Hansen, K. K. (2018)
Construction and Building Materials, 188, 695-708.
Odgaard, T. R., Bjarløv, S. P., & Rode, C. (2018)
Energy and Buildings, 173, 530-546.
Jensen, N. F., Bjarløv, S. P., Rode, C., & Odgaard, T. R. (2018)
Ce/papers, 2(4), 79-87. 6th International Conference on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, September 4-6, 2018.
Odgaard, T., Bjarløv, S. P., & Rode, C. (2018)
Building and Environment, 129, 1-14.
Odgaard, T. R., Bjarløv, S. P., & Rode, C. (2018)
Energy and Buildings, 160, 1-11.
Hansen, T. K., Bjarløv, S. P., & Peuhkuri, R. H. (2019)
Energy and Buildings, 196, 255-268.
Morelli, M., & Møller, E. B. (2019)
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 25(9), 1199-1211.
Vanhoutteghem, L., Haker Høegh, B. and Hansen, T. (2020)
E3S Web of Conferences, 172, Article 01008. NSB 2020 - 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, September 6-9 2020, Tallinn, Estonia.
Kvist Hansen, T., Feldt Jensen, N., Møller, E., De Place Hansen, E. J., & Peuhkuri, R. (2020)
E3S Web of Conferences, 172, Article 20004. NSB 2020 - 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, September 6-9 2020, Tallinn, Estonia.
Rode, C., Friis, N. K., Pedersen, C., & Jensen, N. F. (2020)
E3S Web of Conferences, 172, Article 01001. NSB 2020 - 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, September 6-9 2020, Tallinn, Estonia.
Jensen, N. F., Rode, C., Andersen, B., Bjarløv, S. P., & Møller, E. B. (2020)
E3S Web of Conferences, 172, Article 01003. NSB 2020 - 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, September 6-9 2020, Tallinn, Estonia.
Jensen, N. F., Bjarløv, S. P., Rode, C., & Møller, E. B. (2020)
Building and Environment, 180, Article 107031.
Jensen, N. F., Odgaard, T. R., Bjarløv, S. P., Andersen, B., Rode, C., & Møller, E. B. (2020)
Building and Environment, 182, Article 107011
23. Hygrothermal performance of six insulation systems for internal retrofitting solid masonry walls
Jensen, N. F., Bjarløv, S. P., Rode, C., Andersen, B., & Møller, E. B. (2021)
Journal of Building Physics, 44(6), 539-573.
Jensen, N. F., Bjarløv, S. P., Rode, C., Andersen, B., & Møller, E. B. (2021)
Indoor Air, 31(4), 1252-1266.
Hansen, T. K., Møller, E. B., & Morelli, M. (2022)
Proceedings of Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XV International Conference (s. 276-284). American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Hansen, T. K., & Peuhkuri, R. H. (2023)
Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø (BUILD), Aalborg Universitet. BUILD Rapport Bind 2023 Nr. 19