I R. Černý, J. Kočí , & V. Kočí (red.), 4th Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2019): Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-5, 2019. Artikel 02048.
18. Hygrothermal simulation assessment of internal insulation systems for retrofitting a historic Danish Building
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:13:27+00:00I R. Černý, J. Kočí , & V. Kočí (red.), 4th Central European Symposium on Building Physics (CESBP 2019): Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-5, 2019. Artikel 02049.
17. Hygric behavior of hydrophobized brick and mortar samples
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:13:35+00:00Building and Environment, 176, Artikel 106843.
16. Durability of the hydrophobic treatment on brick and mortar
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:13:42+00:00Building and Environment, 201, Artikel 107994.
15. Hygrothermal performance of hydrophobized and internally insulated masonry walls – Simulating the impact of hydrophobization based on experimental results
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:13:48+00:00Building and Environment, 187, 1-13. Artikel 107410.
14. Deep renovation of an old single-family house including application of an water repellent agent a case story
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:13:54+00:00IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 863(1), Artikel 012034.
13. Hygrothermal Performance of Hydrophobized Brick and Mortar: Energy Renovation Through Internal Insulation – Can Hydrophobization Improve the Moisture Safety?
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:13:59+00:00PhD Thesis. Aalborg Universitetsforlag.
12. Effect of exterior Hydrophobization on the Heat Loss through solid Masonry Walls with and without Internal Insulation
Mette Buch2024-10-22T09:14:06+00:009th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2024) 25-27 July 2024, Toronto, Canada